The National HREC Conference is HTQ's flagship event and a not to be missed by human research ethics chairs, committee members, administrators and researchers.
The conference aims to provide up to date information on sections of the National Statement, learning opportunities and an understanding of difficult areas HRECs have to address when reviewing applications.
The online reach of the conference enables those living in rural, regional and remote areas to access high quality ethics training.
View previous conference presentations:
Feedback from the conference confirmed that there is most definitely a need for training and education in research ethics, and an online conference has far greater reach across metro, rural and remote communities than a face-to-face conference could have. Though a face-to-face conference would indeed bring more opportunity to network, the online nature of the HREC conferences to date, with talks being categorised into sessions, allows individuals to ‘dip in and out’ and carry on with day-to-day tasks.
Great initiative - program covered a spectrum of issues, every session I attended was informative and insightful!
It was an amazing program of interesting presentations and enthusiastic speakers. Very enjoyable!
I live in a remote area and it would not be possible for me to attend a conference in person.
Health Translation Queensland acknowledges the Traditional Owners and their custodianship of the lands on which we live, work, and play. We pay our respects to their Ancestors and their Descendants, who continue cultural and spiritual connections to Country. We recognise their valuable contributions to Australian and global society.