


Research ethics and governance resources


Research Passport Agreement

Research Passport Agreement

Research Passport Agreement and resources

The Health Translation Queensland Research Passport Agreement is a collaborative agreement between all Health Translation Queensland’s partners, which aims to streamline the research approval process across the partnership.

The Agreement consists of a research agreement and an operating schedule. With pre-agreed legal terms and schedule items, the Agreement reduces the number of legal reviews required for health-related collaborative research, and speeds up the approval process.

The Health Translation Queensland Research Passport Agreement was launched in November 2016. It has subsequently been revised with minor amendments. The current version (3.2 December 2022) was fully executed in January 2023 to include our new partners Griffith University and the Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service.

A copy of the Research Passport Agreement and Schedule can be downloaded by clicking on the links below. You will be asked for your name and email before downloading. This information will be kept securely and only used to contact you when the agreement is updated.

Third-party agreement

In December 2022, we retired the HTQ third-party agreement due to the introduction of the National Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Party Non-clinical Trial Collaborative Research Agreement. However, due to local demand, as of June 2024, we have re-instated the third-party agreement.

Research Passport Agreement
Schedule 2 of the Agreement
Third-party agreement

Research Passport Tools

Other agreements

Contact us

You can get in touch by contacting us at research@healthtranslationqld.org.au.


You can provide feedback on the HTQ Research Passport Agreement and how HTQ can assist in research facilitation here.

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Health Translation Queensland acknowledges the Traditional Owners and their custodianship of the lands on which we live, work, and play. We pay our respects to their Ancestors and their Descendants, who continue cultural and spiritual connections to Country. We recognise their valuable contributions to Australian and global society.

© 2025 Health Translation Queensland

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