


Research ethics and governance resources

Research ethics and governance resources

Health and research institutions are accountable for the research being conducted safely and ethically within their organisations.

Navigating the complexities of research ethics and governance is essential for conducting responsible and high-quality research. Our ethics and governance resources provide guidance, tools, and best practices to support researchers, institutions, and ethics committees in meeting ethical and regulatory requirements.

Research ethics resources

Research ethics process

HREC application and submission dates

National HREC Conference

Annual / final progress report template

Education and training sessions

Research governance resources

Research governance process

Research Passport Agreement and resources

Considering Indigenous data in research

Health research data: governance management and sharing

Education and training sessions

Other relevant resources

Clinical Trials Hub

Research integrity

Contact us

You can get in touch by contacting us at research@healthtranslationqld.org.au.

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Health Translation Queensland acknowledges the Traditional Owners and their custodianship of the lands on which we live, work, and play. We pay our respects to their Ancestors and their Descendants, who continue cultural and spiritual connections to Country. We recognise their valuable contributions to Australian and global society.

© 2025 Health Translation Queensland

Site by NWO