


Research ethics and governance


National HREC Conference


National HREC Conference 2022

National HREC Conference 2022

3rd National HREC Conference: 23 - 25 November 2022

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Conference Opening

Professor Ingrid Winship, NHMRC

Conflict of interest in medical research: new thinking, new processes

Professor Wendy Lipworth, Macquarie University

Ethical challenges and opportunities in rare disease research

Professor Tiong Tan, Victorian Clinical Genetics Services, Murdoch Children's Research Institute, University of Melbourne

Public trust and genomic data sharing: uncertainty, control, and waivers of consent

Ms Vanessa Warren, University of Tasmania

First Nations Leadership and the Evolution of Ethical Genomics Research

Mr Greg Pratt, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute

Ethics and Older Adults: Moving with the times

Professor Nancy Pachana, University of Queensland

Relational considerations in consent in clinical research

Mr Ian Pieper, University of Canberra

Navigating the pitfalls of using a waiver of the requirement for consent: practical approaches based on real world applications

A/Professor Nik Zeps, Chrysalis Advisory

Assessing a young person's maturity and capacity to consent via social media

Dr Courtney Munro, Murdoch Children's Research Institute

Development of a consumer-centred participant information and consent form in Australia: The inFORMed Project'

Dr Lisa Eckstein & Dr Tanya Symons, CT:IQ

Use of Secondary Data Workshop

Discussion and presentations from Dr Meredith O'Conner, Murdoch Children's Research Institute and Professor Susan Rossell, Swinburn University of Technology

Global Research Ethics

Professor Paul Komesaroff, Monash University

PRAXIS Workshop - Lay People on HRECs

Facilitated by Philomena Horsley

The involvement of consumers in the development of guidelines

Mr Vidar Enebakk, Director The National Committee for Research in the Social Sciences and the Humanities, Norway

Ethical consideration of patient-reported outcomes in clinical research: The PRO ethics guidelines

Dr Jessica Roydhouse, University of Tasmania

Partnering with consumers in research

Dr Natasha Roberts, The University of Queensland

Involvement in cancer trials groups

Ms Leonie Young, Wesley Hospital Choices Cancer Support Centre

The value of an Indigenous Sub-Committee

Dr Lewis Campbell, Royal Darwin Hospital

BRIDGE Guidelines: development and use of guidelines for good epidemiological practice in global health

Dr Sandra Alba, KIT Royal Tropical Institute, The Netherlands

The intersection of ethics and integrity in Human Subjects Research

Dr Jake Earl, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, USA

How research ethics committees can contribute to equitable research partnerships

Professor Doris Schroeder, University of Central Lancashire, School of Sport and Health Sciences, UK and UCLan Cypurs, School of Law

Workshop - Making your HREC Fit for Purpose

Chaired by Dr Gordon McGurk & Mr Ian Tindall [sound quality poor]

The ethics of evaluating co-parenting smartphone apps: cussing for science

Professor Bruce Smyth & Professor Jason Payne - ANU & University of Wollongong

HRECs as resource versus obstruction: the vexed relationships between HRECs and researchers

Dr Susan Hemer, University of Adelaide

Do HRECs have a role in cyber security?

Mr Geoff Vass, Lay member, Women's and Children's Hospital, Adelaide

Do HRECs need a decision-making framework when considering research applications requesting deferred consent? Experiences of a paediatric HREC

Ms Rebecca Doyle, Children's Health Queensland Human Research Ethics Committee & University of Queensland

Ethics Review-Disruption, Innovation and Advancement

Ms Sashika Naidoo, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute

Human research ethics application pathways: Implementing an online decision support tool for researchers and higher researcher degree students

Dr Karen Olave-Encina, University of Queensland

The only way is ethics - Lessons learned from the UK

Ms Charlotte Allen, HRA UK

Excellence in HREC Services'

Kylie Sproston, Bellerry Limited

The Future of HRECs in Australia

Panel Discussion with Professor Cindy Shannon (PVC-Research (Indigenous) Griffith University), Professor Michael James (University of Adelaide & Bellberry HREC Chair),Dr Hudson Birden (Townsville HHS HREC Chair)

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