Pillar 2: Increasing Queensland's translational research capability through education and training

28 June 2023

Increasing translational research capability is the second pillar of Health Translation Queensland’s (HTQ) new strategic plan.

HTQ’s second strategic pillar involves three project areas:

  • Enable and facilitate the education and training of the clinician-researcher workforce
  • Build Queensland’s health and medical research commercialisation capability
  • Identify and advocate for increased funding to support translational research.

Education and training

Aiming to embed research as a core activity within Queensland’s health system and improve the number and diversity of active clinician-researchers, HTQ is working to support the translational research workforce with education and training.

Here are some examples of the training and education activities HTQ provides:

  1. Human Research Ethics Conference, which HTQ initiated and has led for the past three years, attracting more than 1300 registrations from across Australia in 2022. In 2023 the free National HREC Conference is scheduled for 29 November to 1 December.
  2. HTQ hosted the inaugural Research Integrity Advisor Showcase in March with 255 people registered for the training and a second training event, Research Integrity in the real world, is scheduled for 18 July 2023.
  3. Consumer co-design training for researchers, with 500 people registered for the webinar in May, followed by a consumer co-design workshop in June 2023.

HTQ’s Research Governance team recently surveyed researchers and administrators to evaluate the HTQ Research Passport and gather information about training and education needs in research ethics and governance.

HTQ Research Governance Manager Sara Gottliebsen said both surveys highlighted the need for training and education in several areas.

“The surveys showed intellectual property (rights and ownership and understanding implications) was a priority area for researchers. In response to the survey findings, HTQ is now developing a series of training sessions relating to IP, commercialisation and data to support Queensland health and medical researchers.

"HTQ continues to provide free training and education in research ethics through the annual national HREC Conference, scheduled this year from 29 November to 1 December 2023.

"In the area of governance, we aim to provide researchers and administration staff with regular ‘lunch and learn’ sessions on various topics, such as research contracts, budgets, policies and legislation.”

If you would like more information about HTQ’s education and training activities, please email

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