Consumer co-design training for researchers - 3 May 2023

Not sure why and how to engage with consumers as part of your research project? Maybe you’ve heard of co-design but are not really sure how it really works? HTQ is now hosting training for researchers: Co-design basics (Session 1).

Co-design basics is a 2-hour interactive Zoom webinar, featuring presentations from Anja Christoffersen (Founder, Champion Health Agency) and Dr Adrienne Young (Senior Research Fellow, The University of Queensland).

The training is relevant for health and medical researchers, in particular late-stage translational researchers, and clinicians, including nurses and allied health professionals, who are interested in involving consumers in their research.


  • Anja Christoffersen - Founder, Champion Health Agency
  • Dr Adrienne Young - Senior Research Fellow, The University of Queensland
  • Katrina Cutler - Communications and Engagement Manager, Health Translation Queensland

Session topics

  • Why engage with consumers in research?
  • How can you engage with consumers?
  • What is co-design?
  • How to co-design?
  • Tips for meaningful consumer engagement
  • Researcher feature presentation (case study)

For more information about the event please email


Coming up: Co-design in practice workshop (Session 2)

Health Translation Queensland will also host a follow-on session Co-design in practice workshop (Session 2) in June 2023. Completion of Session 1 is a pre-requisite for attendance of Session 2. Participants will be selected through an EOI process as numbers are strictly limited.

Co-design in practice (Session 2) will be delivered as a 2-hour face-to-face workshop for researchers and consumers, featuring a hands-on workshop facilitated by Anja Christoffersen (Founder, Champion Health Agency) and Dr Adrienne Young (Senior Research Fellow, The University of Queensland).

Researchers are invited to bring a consumer to Session 2 so they can work through their co-design together.

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Health Translation Queensland acknowledges the Traditional Owners and their custodianship of the lands on which we live, work, and play. We pay our respects to their Ancestors and their Descendants, who continue cultural and spiritual connections to Country. We recognise their valuable contributions to Australian and global society.

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