HEALTHQ32: beginning a new era for Queensland’s health system

26 May 2023

After months of extensive state-wide consultation with the workforce, health partners, community and consumers, Queensland Health has launched its vision for the state’s health system for the next decade.

Queensland Health’s vision, HEALTHQ32, is to be a dynamic and responsive health system where the workforce is valued and empowered to provide world-class healthcare to all Queenslanders.

Health Translation Queensland Chair Sue Scheinpflug said HTQ welcomed the opportunity for HTQ’s collaborative health network to provide input into the vision and the subsequent development of its 10-year strategy for research.

“As an HTQ partner, Queensland Health has ready access to consult seamlessly as part of the 13 major health organisations in our network, which span healthcare delivery, education and research,” Ms Scheinpflug said.

“To improve health outcomes for all Queenslanders, you must look at the system holistically and identify where and how to lift capacity and capability in a coordinated way. Each HTQ partner is already heavily invested in taking a state-wide approach.”

Executive Director Professor John Prins said HTQ applauds the inclusion of ‘research’ as one of the seven system priorities that will drive new, innovative healthcare models and strengthen how healthcare is delivered across Queensland.

“Long-term change to our health system requires an evidence-based approach, and the way to achieve this is through high-quality research and its translation,” he said.

“HTQ’s work program already directly supports the HEALTHQ32 vision, particularly its research priority.

“We are working to streamline research governance in Queensland, reducing the cost of research and accelerating the time it takes to move from the benchtop to the clinic.

“Our training and resources aim to upskill Queensland’s workforce and support greater consumer and community involvement in health and medical research.”

“HTQ also conducts analysis and wide consultation to understand Queensland’s health needs and determine how our research sector can work collaboratively to address these needs.”

For more information about HEALTHQ32, please visit the HEALTHQ32 website.

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