Have your say about research data sharing

24 August 2023

Since 2020, the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) has played a critical role in building national data capability and infrastructure to support the sharing of clinical trials data for secondary research purposes, bringing value to the research community and increasing research efficiency and its benefit to Australia’s health outcomes.

The ARDC has moved into the second stage of its Health Studies Australian National Data Asset (HeSANDA) project, assessing the feasibility of the HeSANDA infrastructure model in other health research areas.

HeSANDA Stage 1

The first stage of the HeSANDA project focused on the sharing and reuse of data from publicly funded clinical trials conducted by universities and research organisations. The ARDC invested $3.5 million into the clinical trials research community, which has co-designed a nationally federated research data infrastructure. HTQ was part of the collaboration that worked on this national project.

In July 2023, ARDC launched Health Data Australia, a new platform that makes clinical trial data easier to find and share. Australian health and medical researchers can now make their data discoverable, find clinical trial data from multiple research institutions and request access.

HeSANDA Stage 2

The ARDC is now expanding its investment into infrastructure (the People Research Data Commons) for health research and translation. With this expansion, they aim to support a broader range of health research areas and data types and develop a broader infrastructure offering, including secure data access, integration, and advanced analytics.

Consultation workshops for health researchers

The ARDC takes a co-design approach to developing and implementing infrastructure in partnership with health system stakeholders. In August and September 2023, the ARDC invites health researchers and anyone affiliated with Australian cohort research or other research communities to join consultation workshops about the project.

30 August 2023: Health Cohort Researcher Workshop 2

27 September 2023: Health Cohort Researcher Workshop 3

Each interactive online workshop will include background about the HeSANDA project but cover different topics in moderated breakout sessions. If you cannot attend the workshops, you may contribute by providing written submissions and feedback via email.

Launching the Queensland node

HTQ leads the development of the Queensland node of HeSANDA, one of 9 HeSANDA nodes around Australia. The Queensland node provides operational infrastructure for Queensland researchers entering their data into Health Data Australia.

In October 2023, HTQ will officially launch the Queensland node. More details will be available soon.

Further information about HeSANDA is available on the ARDC’s website and the HTQ website.

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