
Professor Wendy Lipworth

Professor Wendy Lipworth

Professor of Bioethics, Department of Philosophy, Macquarie University

Professor Wendy Lipworth is a medically-trained bioethicist and health social scientist. Her approach to research might be referred to as “translational bioethics” in that it is deliberately oriented towards finding pragmatic solutions to morally complex and controversial real-world problems. Wendy's work aims to assist decision-makers in all spheres of practice (clinicians, researchers, policymakers, industry and educators) to manage uncertainty and moral complexity and to act in the face of disagreement. Her research focuses on four intersecting areas:

  1. Commercial influences, conflict of interest and corruption in healthcare and biomedicine
  2. The development, regulation and funding of medicines and medical devices
  3. Evidence-based medicine and clinical innovation
  4. Research using biobanks, big data and "real world data"

Wendy's work draws on a variety of methods—both empirical (qualitative and quantitative) and theoretical. It is also interdisciplinary and synthesises insights from ethics, law, sociology, policy, economics, epidemiology and other disciplines and involves engagement with all stakeholders to elicit the full range of perspectives and ensure legitimacy.

With regards to grant funding Wendy has received over $5 million in research funding from the NHMRC, ARC and Medical Research Future Fund.

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