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Queensland Translational Research


Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research

Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research

The aim of the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research Network (QATSIHRN) is to improve the quality of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research and its outcomes by bringing together the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research community from across the State.

QATSIHRN will advocate for and support activities that realise engagement with stakeholders and determination of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research agenda for and by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living in Queensland.

The group will liaise, engage and partner to recommend action that addresses identified health concerns through workforce development, research, and communication solutions. All work will be culturally informed, and the group will champion conversations and initiatives that further community engagement, partnership and leadership in the development, design, delivery and evaluation of activities for a health benefit impact.

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Health Translation Queensland acknowledges the Traditional Owners and their custodianship of the lands on which we live, work, and play. We pay our respects to their Ancestors and their Descendants, who continue cultural and spiritual connections to Country. We recognise their valuable contributions to Australian and global society.

© 2025 Health Translation Queensland

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