Working together on a national approach to wound care

24 September 2019

On behalf of the Australian Health Research Alliance, BDHP and the Western Australian Health Translation Network organised a national wound care forum. In September, at the Translational Research Institute, the event brought together representatives from each of the Translational Centres, wound care researchers, carers, training GPs and nurses to progress an evidence-based, national approach to wound care. The speakers gave an overview of pertinent issues in this area:
  • Professor Keryln Carville of the Silver Chain Group and Curtin University spoke about the breakthroughs in wound treatment since the 1800s
  • Dr Simon Torvaldsen shared the key areas the Wound Management Working Group of the Medicare Benefits Schedule Review Taskforce will recommend to the MBS
  • Dr Geoff Sussman and Blake Wilson of Wounds Australia spoke about the role of their organisation in raising awareness, advocacy and the credentialing of wound care professionals.
Participants spent the day discussing how to work together to progress key areas, such as better access to wound care products and services, ways to ensure compliance to best practice, more accessible education and training, and a coordinated national approach to research and translation.

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