Translational research trailblazer to visit Brisbane

01 March 2018

Professor John Øvretveit, an internationally-renowned leader in health research and innovation will meet with clinicians, researchers and health executives during a visit to Brisbane later this month. Professor Øvretveit is the current Director of Research and Professor of Health Innovation Implementation and Evaluation at the Karolinska Institute. He was previously Professor of Health Policy and Management at Bergen University Medical School, Norway and at the Nordic School of Public Health, Gothenburg, Sweden. The Swedish Professor’s visit is being hosted by Brisbane Diamantina Health Partners, Queensland Health's Clinical Excellence Division, Metro North Hospital and Health Service, and Metro South Hospital and Health Service. Professor Øvretveit’s expertise is with research that has a practical use, and is carried out in partnership with practitioners and leaders. His current Swedish research and development projects include implementing and evaluating changes needed to build a sustainable, high performing health system for the future, and improving care coordination for people with mental health challenges. During his trip, Professor Øvretveit will lead two public lectures and registration for the below lunchtime sessions are now open. Wednesday 21 March 2018 Healthcare Reforms 2020 Lessons for local regions from Sweden, USA and UK Register here Thursday 22 March 2018 Digital Health Technologies E-Health and data: making it work for patients and providers Register here Brisbane Diamantina Health Partners General Manager, Ms Areti Gavrilidis, said “We are delighted to be welcoming such a prestigious guest to Brisbane to speak to our colleagues. “We hope Professor Øvretveit will also be inspired by the incredible work being undertaken locally to translate knowledge and research into tangible differences in healthcare and improved wellbeing for Queenslanders.” Professor Øvretveit has published widely in scientific journals on the subjects of quality improvement and implementation, health reforms, care coordination and evaluation. Further details about his publications can be found on the Academia website.

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