Research Integrity Symposium - 28 November 2023

This symposium will provide an opportunity to bring together research integrity groups, research integrity advisors and members of the research integrity community from research institutions across Australia to listen to and engage with key national and international opinion leaders about their research integrity journey and research.

Event details

Date: Tuesday 28 November 2023

Time: 9:30am-6:30pm (AEDT-NSW/VIC)



Welcome and acknowledgement of country


Managing cases of research misconduct with integrity
Professor Fabienne McKay, Director and CEO, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute


Navigating Norms in Health Research: Integrity, Ethics, Compliance, Culture
Dr Jake Earl Bioethicist, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

11:30-11:45 Break


Paper Mills - What do researchers need to know?
Dr Mark Hooper, Director Tricky Goose Training

Research integrity culture and process improvement as a large Medical Research Institute
Dr Gordon McGurk- QIMR- using a maturity model and research quality to change culture

Transparency in research integrity reporting: Buidling a speak up culture at UNSW
Dr Amelia Kowalski, Manager Research Integrity, Conduct and Integrity Office
Dr Shaun Khoo- Senior Case Manager, Conduct and Integrity Office, UNSW


A journal editors perspective on research integrity
Professor Andrew Davidson- MCRI- Integrity and Journals- a journal editor perspective

1:15-2:15 Lunch


Is requiring Research Integrity Advisors a useful policy for improving research integrity? A census of advisors in Australia
Professor Adrian Barnett, Professor of Statistics, QUT

Research Integrity Panel Discussion
Chair: Dr Daniel Barr, Principal Research Integrity Advisor, RMIT

3:30-4:00 Break


Exploring the use of photovoice as a participatory method in research and education on research integrity
A/Prof Gowri Gopalkrishna- Maastricht University

4:30-4:45 Reflections and closing remarks

For more information about this workshop please email

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