Strengthening Human Research Ethics Committee expertise across Queensland

14 November 2024

Health Translation Queensland (HTQ) recently hosted a statewide consultation aimed at strengthening expertise and capacity in Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs) across Queensland.

The project is led by Sara Hubbard, HTQ's Human Research Ethics and Governance Collaborative Group chair from Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service. The session brought together HREC chairs and coordinators from diverse settings, including metropolitan, rural and remote regions, as well as representatives from universities, and public and private hospitals.

The session focused on developing a path forward to enhance statewide HREC expertise and build capacity, particularly in areas facing unique resource challenges. As part of these efforts, a statewide survey is currently underway to assess existing capacities and identify opportunities for growth.

"This collaborative initiative marks an important step towards creating a more cohesive and robust HREC network that can meet the growing needs of health research across Queensland," Sara Hubbard commented.

If you would like to know more about this initiative, get in touch with us by contacting

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