Communicating at the forefront of innovation in health research

21 November 2023

Health Translation Queensland (HTQ)’s newest team member started her communications and engagement career in the Netherlands but soon brought her professional skills home to play a part in encouraging health innovation in Queensland.

With a background spanning 14 years in communication, marketing, and engagement across the university, health, and community services sectors, Kate Strang, Senior Principal in Communications and Engagement at HTQ, enjoys working with a range of stakeholders to help drive initiatives to improve health outcomes.

“My background originally is in the disability sector, where I supported families who have a young child with a disability,” Kate said. “These days, I am particularly passionate about how we can use innovation and technology to deliver and improve our health care experience.”

During her career, Kate has gained a solid understanding of science, research and various health systems.

Before joining HTQ, she worked at Burnie Brae and Brisbane North Primary Health Network, where she supported teams that deliver health care services to the community.

However, her career highlight was working at Queensland Genomics, a $25 million Queensland Government Advance Queensland initiative that aimed to transform health care in Queensland using genomics.

“We were working in partnership with researchers, consumers, community and industry partners at the forefront of the genomic revolution,” Kate said. “It was exciting to be part of the move toward personalised medicine in Queensland.

“I gained valuable experience and knowledge in consumer and community involvement, and I look forward to contributing towards this program at HTQ and promoting all the impactful work HTQ does to improve research translation.”

Kate has postgraduate study in Business (Integrated Marketing Communications), a Bachelor of Social Science and has completed the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) Certificate in Engagement.

Outside of work, you’ll find Kate playing touch footy or in the garden she inherited from her grandmother. A self-professed green thumb, she enjoys tending to old favourites like the camellias just as much as the vegetables she’s added to the garden.

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