Building genomics literacy in Multicultural Queensland

22 February 2022

Health literacy is recognised as an important factor in healthcare safety and quality. According to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare almost 60 per cent of adult Australians have low individual health literacy.

Low health literacy limits a person’s ability to effectively exercise their choice or voice when making healthcare decisions. That figure is likely to be even higher for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Low individual health literacy is associated with adverse health outcomes.

The Queensland Genomics Community Advisory Group developed and delivered a community led project to build genomics literacy in Multicultural Queensland, which included genomics training for medical interpreters.

An evaluation of the training showed sustained uplift in interpreter knowledge of genomics 6 months after the training.

The full findings of the training were recently published in Frontiers in Genetics: Evaluation of a Genetics Education Program for Health Interpreters: A Pilot Study.

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