Brisbane doctors hear patient safety lessons from USA expert

12 December 2016

Brisbane health professionals will meet one of the world’s leading experts in patient safety in hospitals at a seminar in Woolloongabba on Wednesday. Brisbane Diamantina Health Partners is hosting a seminar with Dr Peter Pronovost from America’s Johns Hopkins Hospital at the Translational Research Institute on Wednesday, 26 October from 1-2pm. Dr Pronovost achieved world renown for reducing deadly infections associated with central line catheters. His simple yet effective method virtually eliminated the problem in ICUs in Michigan, saving 1500 lives and $100m each year. Brisbane Diamantina Health Partners General Manager Areti Gavrilidis said Brisbane health professionals were fortunate to have this opportunity to learn how other hospitals were addressing patient safety. “This is an important event for Brisbane’s healthcare sector as patient safety is at the forefront of hospital concerns,” she said. “Dr Pronovost will be speaking about the lessons learned by Johns Hopkins Hospital and its journey to improving patient safety. “Brisbane Diamantina Health Partners has been working with Dr Pronovost to deliver a number of events for our partner organisations and I would like to thank Ernest and Young for facilitating his visit to Australia.” Dr Pronovost is the director of the Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality at Johns Hopkins Hospital USA, as well as Johns Hopkins Medicine’s senior vice president for patient safety and quality. He was acknowledged as one of Time Magazine’s world’s most influential people in 2008 for his work in patient safety. Event details: Date: Wednesday 26 October 2016 Time: 1-2pm Venue: Translational Research Institute: Auditorium, 37 Kent St, PAH Campus, Woolloongabba


Media contact: Angela Reed, 0430 197 158


Brisbane Diamantina Health Partners is Queensland’s first partnership between eight of Queensland’s leading health, education and research institutes. Our purpose is to integrate innovative research with clinical care and education to deliver quality healthcare to Queenslanders. We are working together to fast track research into better patient care in seven key areas: chronic disease and ageing; cancer; brain and mental health; maternal and child health; trauma, critical care and recovery; immunity, inflammation and infection; evidence and innovation into clinical care. Our partners are Metro North Hospital and Health Service, Metro South Hospital and Health Service, Children Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service, Mater Health Services, The University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, Translational Research Institute, and QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute. Download PDF

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