


Skin and skin cancer

Skin and skin cancer


Skin diseases, including skin cancer, affect huge numbers of Australians and represent a major burden to the health of the Australian population and the nation’s health budget. Skin cancers, including keratinocyte cancers (basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas) and melanomas, are the most common form of cancer in Australia and account for eighty percent of all cancers diagnosed each year. In fact, Queensland has the highest incidence of all types of skin cancer in the world.

The diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer incurs the highest costs of all cancers in the Australian health budget. As such, there are strong social, clinical and economic arguments for more basic and clinical research to drive translational outcomes within this field, with the aim of improving the experiences of patients with skin disease, including both survival and morbidity.


This theme aims to facilitate advancement in the field of skin diseases, including skin cancer, by:

  • Delivering innovative, effective and reliable solutions for both skin cancer and other dermatological conditions to optimise patient care, improve health outcomes and, ultimately, survival.

For more information contact projects@healthtranslationqld.org.au

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