How to master competitive grant opportunities - 21 May

Seminar series: Navigating the clinical trials funding landscape

Join us as we discuss the struggles and successes of securing funding for clinical trials and other research translation efforts. Hear from representatives from industry, competitive funding bodies and seasoned investigators.

Learn invaluable insights and strategies to elevate the calibre of your funding applications, setting you on a trajectory towards success.

We’ll cover the following important topics over 3 sessions:

  • Seminar 1 - 21 May: How to master competitive grant opportunities
  • Seminar 2 - 18 June: What industry partners are looking for in funding applications
  • Seminar 3 - 16 July: Learn lessons from other researchers to enhance your funding application

Seminar 1: How to master competitive grant opportunities

Are you ready to elevate your funding game? Join us for a hybrid seminar designed to arm you with tips and strategies to navigate the tricky landscape of competitive funding.

Hear from experts on a Q&A panel on how to give yourself the best chance to get funding from traditional granting bodies, venture capital firms and non-government organisations.

You'll learn tips on how to:

  • understand your target audience/funder
  • conduct effective market analysis
  • assess your competition (or potential collaborator?).

By delving into these important aspects, you'll not only refine your approach but also increase your chances of securing funding.

The event format is a moderated Q&A session with a panel of experts.

Panel guests

Dr Alisa Selimovic
Senior Investment Manager, IP Group Australia

Alisa has always been interested in translational science but didn’t always know that working as a Senior Investment Manager in the Life Sciences team at IP Group Australia would be her dream job. Everyday Alisa has the privilege of working with the exceptional scientists in Australia’s university research ecosystem to build new companies working at the cutting edge of medical research.

Dr Erin Rayment
Vice-President (Business Development), Queensland University of Technology

Erin has over 15 years’ experience in academic research, industry engagement and commercialisation. She also holds leadership roles in organisations that support the development and growth of the Australian innovation ecosystem, including as Director at the Translational Research Institute Australia, Director at Knowledge Commercialisation Australasia, Chairperson of QUT Bluebox, and as a Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program board member.

Associate Professor Ruth Griffiths
Director, Patients and Infrastructure, Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF)

Associate Professor Ruth Griffiths is the Director of Patients and Infrastructure in the Health and Medical Research Office in the Australian Government Department of Health. A researcher by background, with an interest in improving cardiovascular risk in primary care, she now manages 6 of MRFF's funding Initiatives.

Dr Wee-Ming Boon
Director, Translation Programs, Research Partnerships Branch, National Health and Medical Research Council


This event series is proudly sponsored by IP Group Australia, Queensland University of Technology and Moderna.


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