
Amir-Reza Mehrkar-Asl

Amir-Reza Mehrkar-Asl

Senior Clinical Researcher, University of Oxford and General Practitioner (BCHIR BM MA (Cantab) MRCGP)

Amir is a practicing NHS GP with over 10 years of experience in senior leadership roles in health technology, including NHS England and NHS Digital, and internationally within the private sector. Most recently, as interim Chief Medical Officer of NHS Digital, Amir wrote the organisation’s clinical informatics governance framework. Amir’s digital health career has focused on breaking down clinical data silos for safer care and analytics: he led the development of one of the UK’s biggest shared care records, covering 1.9 million patients; co-founded a free educational event (INTEROPSUMMIT) attended by over 300 clinicians and digital health experts; co-founded INTEROPen, the UK’s first interoperability community, with over 300 supplier and NHS organisations as members; and led the creation of the UK’s first interoperability data standards to enable information sharing between clinical systems, which aligns with the Secretary of State’s Tech Vision on open standards.

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